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(616) 363-7000 to schedule a free consultation with a Grand Rapids personal injury attorney. For your convenience, night and weekend office hours
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Unfortunately, the public often view trucks as a nuisance on the road instead of important contribution to the economy.
When a truck driver is seriously injured in a truck accident, it can be an overwhelming experience.
Due to the size and weight of commercial trucks, drivers can sustain life-threatening injuries. Injuries may include fractures, neck injuries, brain damage, limb loss and even paralysis.
There are many intricate and conflicting laws that can be confusing. So it is important to talk to attorneys that specialize in truck accidents.
After a truck accident, the truck driver should consider contacting one of our attorney's. Our experienced lawyers have the necessary knowledge to protect your interests.
Working with one of our attorney's relating to truck accidents is the best thing you can do. This is because injured truck drivers must complete several steps to file for their benefits. The first thing that must be done is reporting the injury to their employer in a certain time frame, which can be difficult for an incapacitated truck driver.
Our personal injury lawyers can help ensure truck drivers' rights are upheld. They will ensure that benefits that are due to the truck driver are not reduced or withheld.
For more information about workman's compensation as it relates to truck accidents or to get a free consultation from one of our Grand Rapids truck accident attorneys, click here or call us at (616) 363-7000.
Truck Accidents

People are often under the misconception that truck accidents are mainly caused by truck drivers.
In reality, other drivers making regrettable decisions when driving around trucks often cause these accidents. This includes cutting trucks off, tailgating trucks and even traveling in blind spots.